Remote Live Guiding

Remote Live Guiding

Host Tutorial

This video explains how to use the main features of your tour’s remote live guiding function.
Prefer text? Written directions are below the video.

  1. When viewing your tour, right click to access the remote guiding feature.
  2. Click “Start Live Guided Session as Host”.
  3. Enter the tour’s remote guiding password and your name, and click “Connect”.
  4. Ask your guest to enter the tour, or to hit “refresh” if they are already viewing the tour.
  5. Your guest should first click on the “How to use this tour” screen to make it disappear.
  6. They should then click on either the video or phone icon at the top of the screen to enter the remote guided session.
  7. Next, they should enter their name and click “Connect”.
  8. A message will appear on your screen prompting you to accept the call. You can do so with or without video.
  9. Once they have joined, your guest’s screen will synchronise with what you are viewing.
  10. Conversely, you can choose to view their screen by clicking on the icon at the top left of their contact box. Now, whatever they do is reflected on your screen.
  11. You can regain control by clicking on the icon in the centre of their contact box.
  12. All interactive elements of the tour are shared from the controlling participant’s screen, including all menu actions and info boxes opened.
  13. You can find full information about how to use each remote guiding feature by clicking on the “?” in the bar at the top of the screen.
  14. To end the remote guiding session, click on the exit button at the left of the bar.

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